At Hunters Hall Primary School all pupils should be at school, on time, unless they are unwell. Parents are asked to contact the school early in the morning to report an absence. If you do not contact us we will contact you at home. Pupils who arrive late miss valuable lesson time at the start of the school day. Should a pupil’s attendance be particularly poor or the absences frequently recurring the attendance team may carry out home visits. If your child has a chronic illness, please submit medical evidence to the school.
It can be tricky deciding whether or not to keep your child off school when they’re unwell.
There are government guidelines for schools and nurseries about managing specific infectious diseases at GOV.UK. These say when children should be kept off school and when they shouldn’t.
If you do keep your child at home, it’s important to phone or use Parenthub app on the first day. Let us know that your child won’t be in and give the reason.
We implement the advice stated in:
The school monitors each child’s attendance closely and the attendance percentage is now RAG rated. Red- child’s attendance is below 85% (18 or more absences); Amber- child’s attendance is between 85% and 95% (10 to 17 absences) and Green- child’s attendance is above 96% (9 or fewer absences).
We continue to celebrate good attendance through stickers, certificates, small prizes and special events; however, we aim for children to develop an intrinsic motivation to attend school. Autumn 2022 saw 104 children achieve 100% attendance despite of sickness bugs and childhood illnesses such as Chicken pox/ Strep A/ Scarlet Fever
2018-2019 saw our highest attendance so far … the overall school attendance for 2018-19 was: 96.4% inclusive of Reception attendance
Year Group | Attendance % |
R | 95.77 |
1 | 95.87 |
2 | 96.69 |
3 | 96.67 |
4 | 95.28 |
5 | 96.39 |
6 | 96.24 |
There is a clear link between extended leave and pupil underachievement. Parents are not allowed to take children out of school during term time for a holiday without permission. Any unauthorised absence for a family holiday is likely to result in a fixed penalty fine and your child could lose their school place. You may have to accept a place in another school when you return. Permission for leave cannot be granted.
The governing body has adopted the fixed penalty notice scheme. Parents can be fined if they take their children out of school without permission (unauthorised) on a regular basis. If fines are not paid, this will result in court action by the L.A. which could result in a criminal record.